Services - Icing Certification
Statement of Work - Aircraft Icing Certification
This document describes the basic support and equipment that will be provided by Science Engineering Associates, Inc. as part of the completion of the Natural Icing Certification process. This support and hardware noted are typical but in no way final or unalterable. They allow for a starting point for discussion as well as the details to which a preliminary quote can be related. This document can be refined to meet the specific needs, desires, and budget of the specific campaign.
Science Engineering Associates, Inc. has been providing support and equipment for aircraft icing certifications for many years. We have participated in many campaigns as part of certification efforts for planes ranging in all sizes and capabilities. We have the experience and equipment to assist with anything from simple advising to supplying a full complement of measurement equipment, data acquisition systems, onsite support, and post campaign data preparation.
Drop Size Measurement:
- FSSP-100-ER: Measures liquid water drop sizes up to 95 microns. (Use in 47micron range)
- FSSP-100-SR: Spare for above FSSP. Measures LW drops up to 47 microns.
- OAP-2D: Can measure up to 750 microns (Used for ice crystal detection)
Water Content Measurement:
- SEA Multi-Element Water Content Sensor (WCM-2000) System: Measures both liquid water and ice water content.
- SEA Multi-Element Water Content Sensor Head: Spare probe for the one included in the system.
- SEA Circuit Breaker Box for Multi-Element Water Content System: Allows for single point power connection to the WCM System while giving individual circuit breaker protection to each component of the overall system.
- SEA Multi-Element Water Content Power Cable: Connects the CB Box to the WCM System.
Data Acquisition:
- SEA M300 Data Acquisition System: Interfaces with the equipment above as well as the aircraft to collect, save, and playback data. Minimum required parameters from the customer aircraft is a measurement of altitude, a measurement of temperature, and a measurement of airspeed.
Phase 1: Preparation
This phase will include all technical interfacing between the customer and SEA, Inc. required to ensure that the correct equipment is planned and can be properly interfaced with the aircraft. Drawings and models will be generated and exchanged to ensure each piece of equipment can be installed properly and is positioned correctly for its required use. The electrical requirements for each piece of equipment will be reviewed and modifications or replacements will be made to ensure that correct and sufficient power is available where needed. All of the selected equipment will be prepared, tested, and calibrated as required for the campaign. The equipment will be packed and prepared for shipment to the installation site.
Phase 2: Installation and Flight test
SEA, Inc. personnel will meet the equipment and project aircraft at the installation facility. The equipment will be bench tested and prepared for installation on the aircraft. All power sources for the equipment will be verified prior to connection. The equipment will be installed and ground test will be made on each component to ensure it is functioning properly and its data is being recorded by the DAS. Interfaces with the aircraft will be verified to ensure the data transmission to and from the SEA, Inc. DAS meets both SEA and customer requirements.
SEA, Inc. will fly with the equipment during the flight test and verify that everything is functioning as required.
Once the flight tests are complete, the probes are removed for transport to the icing certification flight site. Ideally transport and travel to the test site happens immediately. The instruments may be transported in the aircraft being tested, or they may be shipped to the test site by a commercial carrier
Phase 3: Flight Campaign
SEA, Inc. personnel will meet the equipment and project aircraft at the primary campaign site. The probes are reinstalled and ground checked and all systems are verified. Spare probes are received at this site.
The icing certification flights are flown under the guidance of the meteorologist. After each flight the data is reviewed to determine if the case conditions have been met and which cases remain to be flown. With this information it is possible to determine the needs for the next flight. The meteorologist is the person who is qualified to guide the participants to the best location to find the conditions that are needed.
Once all the cases have been flown, the instruments and DAS can be removed from the aircraft and post campaign checks are made. The equipment is then prepared for shipping back to Science Engineering Associates, Inc.
Phase 4: Data Preparation
A summary of the probe calibrations will be made for all probes used during the campaign.
CSV files will be generated for each icing flight that will include the pertinent parameters as agreed to by the customer and SEA, Inc. in Phase 1. Some of these files may be delivered during the campaign if time allows between flights and other required activities do not take priority.
The quote that has been provided covers all the equipment that is needed for the project, including spare probes, from the time the equipment is tested before shipping until it is received back as SEA, Inc. The actual cost of shipping will depend on how far, how fast, and how many times the equipment needs to be shipped by an outside contractor. Only the actual shipping cost will be included in the final invoice.
The number of hours or days required for each phase of support is estimated during quote preparation. SEA, Inc. understands that the actual time required to prepare, conduct, and report varies with each campaign. SEA, Inc. does prepare the quote assuming that two SEA personnel will be onsite for Phase 2 and Phase 3. A per diem rate will be estimated at the time of the quote using the best available information for the support locations. The actual labor hours needed will be billed regardless of where they fall relative to quoted estimates. SEA, Inc. will do whatever it can to meet the campaign needs if it cannot be concluded within the estimated time period. SEA, Inc. does expect to be informed of all scheduled delays or extensions at the earliest possible time. SEA, Inc. believes that the planned spares and the ability to make repairs both in the field and at SEA’s home office, are sufficient to minimize the possibility of campaign delays due to leased equipment issues.
All travel expenses are estimated during quote preparation. Airfare, lodging, and car rental are estimated using the best information available at the time of the quote. When sufficient time is given, these estimates can often be beaten but when lead times are short between when reservations can be made and the travel must begin cost can often exceed the estimates. Travel days will be billed at a reduced rate from the campaign support rate. Only the actual travel cost will be included in the final invoice.
There are some expendable items needed for icing certifications. They include such items as precision glass beads for optical probe calibrations and heath checks. The shipping of equipment and tools required to maintain and possibly repair equipment in the field will also be included in the overall shipping charge as will be any charges relating to the need for customs clearance in and/or out of the United States.
Often during Phase 1, it is found that additional equipment will be needed to adequately support the campaign. Such items as custom cables, power supplies, additional interfaces, and more will be identified and an agreement on who will provide these items will be made.